
Glebelands Primary School

Stimulating Young Minds


Latest News

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  • Drop off and collection update

    Thu 10 Sep 2020 LLEE


    Dear Parents/Carers,

    As we approach the end of the second week of term, I would like to thank you for your continued support for the measures which have been put in place. Now that the ‘settling-in’ phase of the return has been successfully achieved, it is time to look towards a more permanent and sustainable plan for morning drop-off and afternoon collections.


    A number of parents have commented on the positive impact that the staggered start and collection times have had.  Unfortunately this could only be a temporary measure given the amount of learning time which is being used in getting the children into school and preparing to send them home.   The Senior Leadership Team and I have therefore been looking at alternative arrangements which will allow for safe social distancing, whilst ensuring children are not missing out on essential learning time.


    The following measures will therefore take effect from Monday 14th September. Given the current Covid situation both locally and nationally, we would encourage and appreciate the wearing of face coverings whilst on the school grounds.


    Morning Drop-Off

    Doors will lock at 9:10am with registration closing at 9:15am

    All children to enter through Glebelands Road gate which will be open at 8:35am.  School doors will open at 8:45am

    • Foundation children – Enter through small gate onto their playground and enter through the main Foundation door.
    • KS1 children – Enter through their usual KS1 Door
    • LKS2 children – Enter through their usual LKS2 Door
    • UKS2 children  – Enter through their usual UKS2 Door

    The Register will open at 8:45am and close at 9:15am which should provide parents with a more flexible and staggered start to the day

    All parents to follow the current one-way system and leave through the Chancel Road Gate.


    Afternoon Collection

    Foundation – 2:50pm Mrs. Hobson / Mrs. Savage

                                2:55pm Mrs. Williams

    Parents to enter through Glebelands Road gate and make their way to the Foundation playground.   All children will be brought by their teacher onto the playground for collection.  Parents to leave through the same Foundation playground gate and follow the one-way system around the school and exit through the car-park gates.

    Due to the large number children being dismissed, teachers have requested that parents who wish to speak to them, get in touch via Class Dojo.   


    Key Stage 13:00pm collection Children in Mr. Kitchener’s class and Mrs. O’ Brien’s class to enter through Chancel Road gate and make their way onto the KS1 playground.

     Children will be dismissed via their classroom door. Parents to exit through the KS1 playground gate and make their way out through the car park gates.

    If an older sibling also needs to be collected, then make your way through the Foundation playground and follow the one-way system around the school.

    Parents collecting children from Ms. Alvey’s  class are to enter through the Glebelands Road entrance.  Children to be collected from outside of their classroom then follow the one-way system around the school and exit through the car park gates.


    Lower Key Stage 2 – 3:05pm collection All parents enter through the Glebelands Road entrance

    Children in Miss Talbot/Mrs Pugh’s class and Miss Musson’s class to wait on the Key Stage 2 (main) playground – NOT outside the Year 3/4 doors as this will create a bottle-neck. 

    Children will be brought onto the playground by their class teacher.  Please ensure that you are on time!


     Children and parents to exit through the playground gates and make their way out through the car park gates


     Parents collecting children from Mrs. Webster’s class to enter through the Glebelands Road gate and collect from their usual classroom door. Could parents please stand away from the door by the railings to allow for others to pass through.  Then follow the one-way system around the school and exit through the car park gates.


    Upper Key Stage 2 – 3:10pm collection   Parents collecting children from Year 5&6 to enter through the Glebelands road entrance. Children to be collected from outside of their usual door. Children and parents to make their way past the bike sheds and onto the car park where they will exit through the car-park gates.  


    All children and parents should leave through the car park gates which will be closed to all traffic between 2:55pm and 3:20pm.

    Please follow the markers on the ground pointing out the one-way system.


    Can I remind parents that should you wish to speak with your child’s teacher that you do not enter the school building but contact them via Class Dojo or make an appointment.


    I appreciate that this new system may take a little time to become fully embedded and may require some adjustments as the week progresses.  These measures are being put in place to ensure the safety of our parents and children.  I would therefore ask that you continue to show the support and patience which you have been doing and give everyone a little time to become accustomed to the new arrangements.


    Yours sincerely

    L. Lee

  • Reporting sickness absence

    Mon 07 Sep 2020 LLEE


    Dear Parents/Carers,


    We are receiving a large volume of phone calls to the office from parents who are reporting that their child has a cough or a temperature.  Our advice to parents is that if your child has a continuous cough or a high temperature or a loss or change to taste/smell, you should keep your child off school and arrange for them to have a Covid-19 test. 


    A number of parents have stated that their child has a ‘slight temperature’ or a ‘mild cough’ and that they should be ok to come to school.  I realise that the decision to keep your child off school can be a difficult one, however it is important that we continue to prevent the spread of Coronavirus by keeping children away from school if they are showing symptoms – however mild. 


    Once your child has been tested, you will need to forward the results of the test to the school office before they return to school. If the result is negative, children can then return to school as soon as possible or when well enough to do so.  Should the test prove to be positive, we will then put the necessary measures in place. 


    Could I also remind parents to call the school office before 9:00am if your child is unwell.

    Thank you for your continued support.


    Yours sincerely

    L. Lee

    Head Teacher

  • Week 1 Update

    Fri 04 Sep 2020 LLEE


    Dear Parents/Carers,

    As we approach the end of the first week, I would like to thank you for your patience and support as we all settled into new routines. Having been out and about in the mornings and afternoons, I am very pleased with how well things have gone, and how calm the return to school has been.


    Having monitored the situation over the last few days, I can confirm that for another week, we will be continuing with the staggered start and end of the school day, as well as with the current one-way system.   One slight change I would like to make is that all our new Nursery and Reception children enter through the Glebelands Road gate and then make their way directly onto the Foundation playground where they will be met by staff.


    I would also ask that in the mornings, and at collection times, parents make their way off the premises as soon as they have dropped off or collected their child. This is to minimise the number of people on the school site during busy periods and assist with social distancing.


    Over the week it has been a pleasure to see our children and staff settling quickly back into their working patterns. During the last three days I have already seen some amazing artwork, intricate Roman numeral clocks, wonderful descriptive writing and groups of children learning basic rugby skills.  I was also amazed by the gymnastic skills which our younger children were demonstrating at the after-school sports club on Thursday afternoon.


    Throughout the week, teaching staff have also been getting to grips with new software in the event of a further lockdown or school closure.  With this in mind, I would like to remind parents to inform us if your child is displaying possible symptoms of Covid-19 which are a high temperature, new continuous cough or loss/change of taste or smell.  Given that we are approaching ‘runny nose’ season, there is no need to contact us if your child has this symptom as this is not an indicator of Coronavirus.

    One final request I would like to make is that children dismount their bikes as they come through the school gate.  Mr. Kitchener and I have been required to remind children on a number of occasions not to ride their bikes while on school grounds.


    Finally, (and thinking slightly further ahead) it is likely that our parents’ evenings, scheduled for the latter part of this half term, will be either online or through telephone conversation. Your child’s teacher will be in touch later this term to provide you with additional information about how this will work.

    Thank you for the trust you have shown in sending your child back to school and we will endeavour to communicate with you as often as possible so that you are fully informed about what is happening at Glebelands. 


    Have a pleasant weekend.


    Yours sincerely

    L. Lee

    Head Teacher
