Lunchtimes and Healthy Eating
Lunchtimes & Healthy eating
We have our own kitchens that cook healthy, tasty meals. All school meals must be ordered in advance through ParentPay.
Cooked meals are served in the hall. Children have a choice of main courses (meat and vegetarian options, jacket potatoes, pasta, sandwiches), and puddings.
School lunches for all children in Reception - Year 2 are entitled to a universal free school meal. From Years 3-6 school dinners are charged at £2.45 per day. If you believe that you may be entitled to income based free school meals, please contact Mrs Pettinger in the office.
All meals are cooked on site by Chartwells caterers.
All meals can be booked using this link
Children who bring packed lunches also eat in the hall. During the warmer months, older children may eat outside using the picnic benches.
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Healthy Lunch boxes
If you are sending you child with a packed lunch then please try to make it as healthy as possible.
Here are some things to think about when preparing packed lunches:
- Beware of misleading advertising. Just because it says it is ideal for packed lunches doesn't mean it is healthy.
- Beware child friendly packaging. A lump of cheese is far more nutritious than a cheese tube.
- Fresh, frozen, tinned, dried fruit, fruit juices and smoothies all count towards 5 a day.
- Chop up fruit to make it easier to eat.
- Try adding some vegetables as extras in sandwiches: tomato, cucumber, grated carrot, salad
- Make sure they are getting some protein: ham, egg, cheese, chicken, tuna
- Packs of seeds or hummus also contain protein.
- Drinking orange juice helps the body to absorb iron more easily.
- It can take a child 15 tastes before they decide they like something, so persevere.
- If a child consistently leaves the healthy foods, check that you are not packing up too much.
- There is more calcium in skimmed milk than full fat milk.
- Yoghurt tubes generally contain 3.5 teaspoons of sugar.
- Children will be swayed by peer pressure so talk to other parents about what they are putting in lunchboxes.
You can also follow these links for more information and ideas about healthy packed lunches: