
Glebelands Primary School

Stimulating Young Minds


Organisation of Classes

Organisation of classes

The governors are committed to keeping class sizes small wherever possible.

The school can currently admit up to 45 children in Reception and 40 in each subsequent year.


Foundation Stage is split into two phases - Reception and Nursery. Each Reception class has a class teacher who will work with them for parts of day on key skills of learning. A Nursery lead and Level 3 TA support our Nursery children.


The rest of the school is organised into bases with three classes in each base.

Key Stage 1:                       Years 1 and 2

Lower Key Stage 2:             Years 3 and 4

Upper Key Stage 2:             Years 5 and 6


Each pair of year groups are organised into three classes.  Usually one of these will be a mixed age class. The way we split the children into classes will vary year to year as we look at the particular characteristics of the year groups involved and the needs of individual children. The factors we consider may include the age of children, their ability and their social groupings.


Our current arrangements are

Gaudi Nursery - Mrs O'Brien

Khalo   Reception - Mrs Williams 

Van Gogh   Year 1 - Miss Gunby

Monet   Year 1 & 2 - Mrs Hobson (Mon-Wed) Mrs Savage (Thur - Fri)

Kandinsky   Year 2 - Ms Alvey

Goldsworthy   Year 3 - Mrs Braybrooke

Lowry   Year 3 & 4 - Miss Musson

Hockney   Year 4 - Mrs Webster

Banksy   Year 5 - Mrs Pancholi

Haring  Year 5 & 6 - Mrs Cobby

Thomas  Year 6 - Mrs Van Breugel
