
Glebelands Primary School

Stimulating Young Minds


Starting in Foundation

When your child begins Foundation it will be the start of a partnership between you the parents, your child and the school. We wish to make your child's early experiences happy and rewarding because they will form the foundation of their future educational success.


We follow the Early Years Foundation Curriculum.


Children learn through a mixture of the formal teaching of phonics and number, guided play activities, free-flow play activities inside and outside, circle time and whole class lessons such as singing and PE.


How to help your child settle

To help your child settle in quickly and happily you can:

  • read books together;

  • give your child pencils, pens and paint to experiment with;

  • let them cut and stick pictures from old catalogues or greetings cards;

  • point out numbers around you (on doors and on car number plates);

  • point out writing in the environment such as shop names and street signs;

  • always write your child's name in lower case letters with a capital letter at the beginning;

  • play dice games, board games, lotto etc.


What your child needs to bring

What do you need to bring to Foundation?


  1. Book bag
  2. Wellingtons and rainwear (children will be learning outside unless the weather is dreadful)

Please send your child with shoes they can put on with little or no adult help.


Speaking and listening

This is an important part of your child's learning.  Please help your child to develop these skills.

I enjoy listening to stories and poems

I can talk about stories I have heard

I can ask questions

I can listen to others

I can remember things I have been told

I can say 'please' and 'thank you'

I know some nursery rhymes and songs

I can tell you about things I have done


Here are some of the nursery rhymes and songs we sing at nursery - knowing some of these will help your child to feel settled.

Baa Baa Black Sheep            Hickory Dickory Dock            Wheels on the Bus             The Grand Old Duke of York

Incy Wincy Spider                   Humpty Dumpty                    Twinkle Twinkle


Personal and social skills

Please help your child to develop these skills.

I can tell people my full name

I can dress/undress

I can eat with a knife and fork

I can put on/take off my coat

I can put on my shoes

I can blow/wipe my nose

I can go to the toilet on my own

I can fasten my coat

I can wash and dry my hands


Other useful skills

I can colour in a shape

I can hold a pencil properly

I can write my name by myself

I can copy under my name

I can trace over my name

I can share toys

I can do simple jigsaws

I can look at books from front to back

I enjoy drawing

I can take turns

I can hold scissors correctly

I can cut along a drawn line


Useful websites to support you and your child with their learning

Learning and Development guide - ages and expectations

Hungry Little Minds

Phonics games

Early Years games

Teach your monster to read - phonics and reading

Early English games

Early Maths games

Early Years literacy and maths games
