
Glebelands Primary School

Stimulating Young Minds


Visions and Values


Vision and Values

Glebelands Primary School is a calm, caring and happy place of learning where all children are treated with love and respect. We recognise that all children and staff are equal but different and we celebrate these differences.


Our core values for all stakeholders are


LEARNING: All members of the Glebelands community will be dedicated to the core value of learning. Children will learn well and achieve highly. Staff will be committed to learning and developing their own practice so that they are able to provide the best educational outcomes for children. Parents will support the school to ensure that they understand how well their child is learning and how they might best support them. Governors will commit to learning more about the school so that they are able to challenge the leadership to ensure the best outcomes are provided for the children. 

KINDNESS: All members of the Glebelands community will be kind. Kind words will be spoken by children and adults. There will be feeling of love and kindness that runs through the school and this will be reflected in the curriculum.

RESPECT: All members of the Glebelands community will demonstrate respect in their interactions with one another. Each will respect the views of others but may challenge if they go against the school’s values. Respect will be shown to all members of the school community regardless of ethnicity, religious belief, ability or sexuality.

EMPATHY: All members of the Glebelands community will demonstrate empathy through all aspects of school life. Teachers will model empathy and take opportunities to teach empathy through the curriculum.

