
Glebelands Primary School

Stimulating Young Minds


Latest News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Wider opening revision

    Fri 22 May 2020 LLEE

    Dear Parents/Carers,

    I wrote to you on Wednesday explaining our plan for a wider opening of our school. This included a return date of Monday 1st   June for children in Year 6 followed by a start date of Monday  8th June for children in Reception, Year 1.  Yesterday, Leicester City Mayor, Sir Peter Soulsbury told schools he could not mandate their opening and stated that any wider opening must take into account the safety of the children, staff and parents.  The leadership team and I had already put together an extensive risk assessment and reopening plan in line with these recommendations. 


     As always, my primary aim is to reduce transmission to all school users. However, over the past 48 hours, there have been a number of significant developments within school which has required us to  review and amend our plan.


    After careful consideration it is with regret that I must now inform parents of children in Reception and Year 1 that we will be unable to  open the school to these children. This will come as a disappointment to many, however due to a significant increase in demand for school places from children of Key Workers, we are unable to accommodate both groups of children while maintaining safe distancing practices.  These children now need to work in smaller groups and require the use of additional classrooms around the school.


    As a teacher I want to open the school more widely but I can only do this when I am satisfied that this can be achieved safely.


    Children in Year 6 will be welcomed into school, with the first group arriving on Monday 1st June

    I have shared my plan with the Chair and Vice Chair of the Governing Board, who have both agreed this strategy.

    Should the situation arise that we are able to open the school to children in Year 1 and Reception, we will endeavour to inform parents as soon as is practicable.

    Glebelands is committed to the education and safeguarding of all its pupils, staff and parents and as such, teachers will continue to provide learning materials for children to access at home.


    Yours sincerely

    L. Lee

  • Wider opening information

    Wed 20 May 2020 LLEE


    Dear Parents/Carers,

    Further to my previous correspondence, I am now in a position to share the school’s reopening plan for parents of children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 6.  I would like to thank those of you who completed the online survey and added your comments; this was most helpful in allowing me to gauge expected numbers, as well as parental attitudes towards a phased reopening of the school.


    As I am sure you are aware, schools face a number of challenges in preparing for a gradual increase in pupil numbers.  At Glebelands some of the hurdles have included a reduced level of teaching and support staff, very limited teaching space, maintaining provision for children of Key Workers, and while at all times ensuring that the health and safety of our children and staff is preserved.


    The plan for reopening has been shared with Governors and they have agreed to its implementation. The complete plan with full details of timetables and safety measures has been posted on the school website and can be found at Follow in the Key Information tab.

    Given that the reopening plan is a sizeable document, I have summarised the main points below.  However, it is imperative that parents who intend to send their children to school familiarise themselves with the entire document.

    • Pupils in Year 6 only will return to school on Monday 1st June.  Pupils in Reception and Year 1 will return to school from Monday 8th June. This will allow for a phased return of pupils to be implemented safely, whilst providing time for our school to prepare for an increase in pupil numbers. 
      Due to space restrictions within our Foundation base, we are unable at present to reinstate Nursery provision for our part-time children.
      Children of Key Workers and those with an EHCP will continue to attend school from 1st June.
    • Pupils in Year 6 will be separated into two groups (three classes).  One group will attend on Mondays and Tuesdays only.  The second group will attend only on Thursday and Fridays.  The same attendance rota will be implemented from June 8th for children in Reception and Year 1.  Many schools across the city are following this model of 2 days per week which is based on Local Authority and national risk assessed guidance. 
    • Children whose parents are Key Workers or have an EHCP will continue to be allocated a school place. Children who are in Reception, Y1 and Y6 will not however be able to split their time between their key-worker group and their year group.  This is to prevent any potential cross-contamination between ‘bubbles’.  
      It is important that these parents only send their child to school when necessary, and continue to inform us by the Thursday prior to the next working week which days they will require a school place.
      We will be contacting parents of children in Year 6 over the coming days to confirm their child(ren)’s attendance at school.  We will then be in touch with parents of children in Reception and Year 1 soon after.    In accordance with government policy, those parents who decide not to send their child to school will not receive a penalty. 
      I realise of course that our strategy for a phased reopening of Glebelands may inconvenience some parents, and for others perhaps too soon to even consider. I would however point out that our approach reflects the importance of ensuring the health and safety of our children and staff, whilst utilising all resources available to us at present.
      Finally, I would again press upon you to read the full plan for reopening in order to familiarise yourself with our timetables and expectations for children and parents.
      Yours sincerely
      L. Lee
  • Update to PM's May 10th Announcement

    Mon 11 May 2020 LLEE


    Dear Parent/Carers,

    I hope you all had an enjoyable bank holiday weekend and were able to make the most of the pleasant weather.  Thank you to all those families who sent in photos of the children engaged in fun activities. It was great to see them taking part in making bunting, singing karaoke, colouring their hair and enjoying lots of cake.  The photos will certainly make for an interesting display outside of my office.


    I am sure like me, many of you will have watched the Prime Minister’s address to the nation last evening. You will have heard him indicating that the government believes it may be in a position to implement a phased re-opening of schools from 1st June, starting with pupils in Reception, Year 1 and Year 6.  This is part of the government’s conditional plan which it says will remain under regular review.


    I have no doubt that many of you will have a number of questions about what this will mean for your child, in particular for those of you with children in these year groups. At this stage, like you, the information is still very new to us, and we are waiting for further clarification from the government and the Local Authority as to how any increase in pupil numbers can be implemented safely.


    In the meantime, there are no changes to the measures which have been in place since Glebelands partially closed. Only those children of Key Workers or children with an Education Health Care Plan are currently permitted to attend school. I would also remind these parents to contact Mr. Kitchener to make him aware of your childcare needs; preferably by the Thursday prior to the new working week. This will allow him to ensure we have adequate staff on site to ensure the safety of both children and staff. 


    I want to reassure you that all of us at Glebelands want to get more children back to school as soon as possible, and we do not want to see the classrooms empty for a day longer than they need to be. I will continue to keep you updated as and when further information becomes available and I look forward to providing you all with some good news as soon as possible.


    Yours sincerely,

    L. Lee

  • May Bank Holiday update

    Wed 06 May 2020 LLEE

    Dear Parents/Carers,

    I would like to begin by thanking you all for your continued patience while the school is partially closed, your dedication to your child’s home learning and most of all for your ongoing support for the school.  This unprecedented, and what I am sure will be a considered momentous period in our lives, has been very demanding but hopefully there will soon be some light at the end of the tunnel.


    Schools, like yourselves, are eagerly anticipating the Prime Minister’s briefing this coming Sunday which should provide us all with a clearer direction of travel for the coming weeks and months. Education settings across the country are already beginning to consider potential strategies for a gradual increase in pupil numbers, while maintaining the safety of pupils and staff.  Unfortunately we will not be able to proceed with any firm plans until we have additional information and guidance from the Government.  I want to reassure parents that as soon as we know more about how we reopen the school safely, you will be one of the first to know.


    We have been receiving an increasing number of requests from parents who are Key Workers to provide a place at school for their child(ren).  Throughout the partial closure of Glebelands, we have always ensured that a place has been made available for children of Key Workers and those with an Education Health Care Plan.  As numbers steadily increase, I am requesting that parents let school know a week in advance if your child will be attending school and on which days.  This is most important as it will allow us to ensure that an appropriate number of staff is on site, while ensuring that there is safe social distancing between our staff and pupils. Please contact Mr. Kitchener with your requests.  His email address is


    I would also like to ask all parents to make contact with your child’s teacher if you have not recently done so. It is important for parents and children to continue to communicate with their class teacher so that news can be shared and any questions answered.   All families of the school should by now have received either an email, telephone call or Class Dojo from a member of staff. If you have not been in contact, can I request that you email your child’s teacher by the end of this week. Email addresses can be found on the school website.


    This coming Friday is a national bank holiday and will celebrate the 75th anniversary of VE Day. Given the significant reduction in demand for school places, Glebelands will therefore be closing for the day.  I would request that families who are doing anything special at home to celebrate the occasion send me or their class teacher a photo or two.  Under normal circumstances the whole school would have been decked in bunting with a ‘street party’ in the school grounds, children wearing 1940’s costumes and traditional games being enjoyed.  I would like to create a display at school showing what the children have been doing to commemorate the event, and which they can enjoy when they return.  You can email your photos to me directly at or Dojo them to your child’s teacher.


    In the meantime, I wish the whole Glebelands community a safe passage to the easing of the lock-down, when hopefully we too can look back at this difficult time and smile with a sense of victory.


    Yours sincerely

    L. Lee

  • Support for Children's Emotional Wellbeing

    Fri 01 May 2020 LLEE

    Please see below should you require support for your child's emotional wellbeing.  Please pass this on if you know anyone who is struggling during these very difficult and trying times.


    Thank you.



    Psychology Service: Supporting Children and Young People’s Emotional Wellbeing

    The Psychology Service have produced advice and guidance for for parents/carers and education staff to help them support children and young people’s emotional wellbeing and resilience during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.  Teacher and parents/carers are also able to book 30 minute telephone consultations if needed for support. The guidance can be viewed at Please could schools share via their websites/newsletter and social media.
