At Glebelands Primary School, we believe that the key to good behaviour is excellent relationships. This includes the relationship between students with their peers; students and staff and staff with other staff. To this end, our behaviour policy has been developed so that these positive relationships are at its heart.
We also believe that children need to learn positive behaviours and at Glebelands, a behaviour curriculum is taught and revisited throughout the year. This curriculum is based on teaching the children how to: Be empathetic, Be a positive learner; Be respectful and Be kind. These ideas are also mirrored in our school values.
Behaviour and Relationships Management Policy
We want children to feel safe and secure at all times when they are at school.
Staff monitor behaviour constantly because poor behaviour can result in children not making as much progress as they are capable of making and it can also affect their safety and well-being.
What our monitoring shows us, and the comments of visitors to the school, is that the vast majority of children behave in an appropriate manner throughout the time that they are at school.
Our approach to behaviour is threefold:
- We have a clear set of rules, rewards and sanctions;
- We look at ways to minimise opportunities for poor behaviour;
- We support those children who have difficulties with behaviour.
We have adopted Restorative Approaches to help resolve conflicts that can occur between children. Click on the link below to find out more.
2. Minimising opportunities for poor behaviour
If children misbehave, we have to look at the reasons why this is happening. Poorly matched work, children who are constantly struggling or who are bored, uninspiring lessons and having nothing to do at playtimes all result in poor behaviour. This isn’t the case at Glebelands. Children are actively involved in lessons and speak with great enthusiasm about the work they are doing. There are plenty of things for them to do outside in break times so that they enjoy their leisure time.
3. Supporting those with behaviour difficulties
As parents you will know that all children can have their moments. School is no different, but for the majority of children the sanction is enough to ensure there is no repetition of the behaviour. However, for some children our system of rules, rewards and sanctions do not work as effectively and for these children we need to modify our approach. Repeating what isn’t working is not going to solve the problem. There is always a reason for inappropriate behaviour and we frequently seek advice from professionals outside of school to help us. We provide additional help for these children so that they develop the strategies they need to use in order to follow our rules.
Whilst nobody would expect a child with learning difficulties to be treated the same as a child working at the appropriate levels, there is an expectation in the world at large that everyone should be treated the same way for behaviour. But treating these few children the same does not solve the problems they have, otherwise that’s what we’d do. Whilst it may seem unfair, modified rewards and sanctions do gradually change the behaviour of these high needs children.
We are developing a fourth strand to our approach to behaviour through Restorative Thinking. The majority of issues we have in school, as in the adult world outside school, result from children falling out with each other. The restorative thinking approach allows children to reflect on what they have said and done and how that has affected other people, in the hope that they develop a better understanding of the consequences of their actions and don’t repeat them. We are still at an early stage with this but the results so far have been promising.