
Glebelands Primary School

Stimulating Young Minds


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Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.


    Mon 29 Jun 2020 LLEE

    Further to this evening's announcement by the Health Secretary, schools in Leicester City will be required to close from Thursday 2nd July to all pupils apart from those of Key Workers and children who have an EHCP.   I will update parents with further details as soon as possible.


    Mr. Lee

  • End of year message from Mr. Lee

    Sun 28 Jun 2020 LLEE

    Dear Parents/Carers

    As we approach the end of the summer term, I think it would be appropriate to look back on a year which, without a doubt, will be reflected upon for many years to come. True to form, the year started incredibly well with African Dance and Drumming for our Year 3/4 children, a wonderful Harvest assembly, our residential to Castleton and who could forget our fabulous Christmas performances?


    It wasn’t until later in the spring term, having celebrated winning our football league (and almost making it to the King Power Stadium) that our world changed unrecognisably. Despite the dark times, Glebelands continued to play its part by remaining open for children of our front-line workers, as well as providing support for our most vulnerable pupils. 


    As we move forwards and begin to think about the new academic year, there remains a wealth of conflicting opinion as to whether or not it should go ahead, and if so, how will it will work. As things currently stand, we are planning for a full opening of the school with a view to welcoming all pupils back. The DfE are in the process of publishing new guidelines for all schools in England, which are expected to be adopted from 1st September.  As a result, the Local Authority have notified schools that they should delay the start of the autumn term until this date.  I can therefore confirm that Glebelands will be reopening after the summer break on Tuesday 1st September.


    Looking ahead to the new academic year, the leadership team is already planning for the implementation of a range of ‘catch-up’ measures.  It will however be important to balance a catch-up curriculum with one that allows children to settle back into school having spent so much time away from the classroom.  I want to reassure parents that the wellbeing of the children will be our primary concern when they eventually return in the autumn term.


    Parents will receive a letter before the end of the week to inform you of proposed changes to our afterschool clubs provision for next year.  We are currently liaising with FCS who have been providing some of our after-school clubs and activities over the last two years.  From the start of the autumn term, FCS will be providing all afterschool activities and childcare - this will however come with a nominal charge to parents. I would ask that you familiarise yourselves with the letter which will explain in detail how the proposed plan for the autumn term will work.


    I have also been asked by Mr. Maw, our external music teacher, to let you know that he intends to recommence his private tutoring lessons from the autumn term.  If you would like your child to learn how to play and read music, please look out for information which will be sent out to parents at the beginning of the new term.

    I am looking forward to seeing some familiar faces next week when the children are given the opportunity to collect their personal items and say farewell to their teachers.  You may have seen my Dojo message last week, but to those who may have missed it, this is only intended to be a brief drop-in as opposed to a full hour-long visit. 


    Finally, please ensure you check your in-box regularly for any updates from us.  I have no doubt that you will continue to receive these throughout the summer holidays, as the DfE releases their own guidance to schools.  The more we remain informed, the easier it will be for everyone to hit the ground running when we return.

    Yours sincerely

  • Wider school update

    Tue 09 Jun 2020 LLEE


    Dear Parents/Carers

    I hope this finds you all safe and well as we make tentative steps towards a wider easing of lockdown restrictions and a move towards a ‘new normal’ way of life. You may have seen on the news today that the Government no longer plans for children in all primary school years in England to return to school before the end of term.  This will come as disappointing news for many families, however given the increase in space required for returning year groups and children of Key Workers, it is not physically possible to safely accommodate all year groups.


    Last week we welcomed back the majority of our Year 6 pupils.  I am pleased to report that their return to school went very smoothly, with the children settling quickly into their new routines. 

    I am also able to announce that after careful consideration, which included a review of staffing and the steadying of Key Worker numbers, we are now in a position to open the school to Year 1 pupils on a part-time basis from Monday 15th June. Parents have been contacted and we are anticipating a positive response for places.


    Unfortunately due to restrictions on space, coupled with the high number of Key Worker children who are currently attending in our Early Years,we are unable to extend provision to our children in Reception. Those of you who are familiar with the layout of our Foundation unit will know that it does not allow for the safe separation of groups or ‘bubbles’ of children.  Whilst this is not a decision which has been taken lightly, it is in the best interests of maintaining the health and safety of our pupils and staff.


    A number of teachers have been piloting a programme of meeting with small groups of children through the Zoom platform. Whilst these have not been formal structured lessons, the short 10-15 minute sessions have allowed children to share their news and updates on their home learning with their class teachers.  Initial feedback from staff and children has been very positive and we hopefully look forward to expanding this further in the coming weeks. 


    We are in the process of gathering children’s belongings with the intention that children and parents can come to school for their collection before the end of term.  We anticipate scheduling a morning or an afternoon during the last week of term for each class to collect their personal items and to say farewell to their teacher. It is highly likely that this will take place outdoors in order to maintain social distancing, so fingers crossed for some good weather.


    A number of parents have been in touch recently to enquire about summer catch-up sessions. At the moment we have no plans to open the school over the summer holidays however, should there be any formal announcement from either the DfE or the Local Authority, I will of course pass this on to parents.

    Finally, I would like to thank you all for your continued support for the school and for your commitment to your child’s home learning. I fully appreciate that as time progresses, and as the weather improves, momentum can be difficult to maintain.  I would just ask you to keep doing your best and do whatever you can to keep your child’s learning ticking over. 


    In the meantime I look forward to seeing you all again soon.

    Yours sincerely

    L. Lee
