Welcome to Glebelands Primary School - a school built on love and kindness.
I am so proud to be Headteacher at Glebelands Primary School - a place of caring, loving adults and happy, learning children.
Glebelands Primary School is an average sized local authority, city primary school on the city/county border which takes children Nursery to Year 6.
Children may enter the school Nursery the term after they turn three. The nursery has space for up to 20 children and we offer 15 and 30 hrs of funded care which we are happy to provide flexibly. The nursery is currently staffed by a Teacher and a Nursery Manager who are trained to ensure that your child has the best start to their schooling. Application for admission into the nursery is made directly through the school. At the end of Nursery, children can enter Reception Year (application is made via Leicester City local authority) and stay with us until they turn 11 and move on to secondary school.
Our annual admission number is 45 and the structure of the classes means that there will be at least 1 mixed age class in Key Stage 1, Lower Key Stage 2 and Upper Key Stage 2. This has long been the case at Glebelands and our teachers are highly skilled at providing a mixed age education.
At Glebelands we ensure that children receive a broad and balanced curriculum which has been carefully designed to meet the needs of the school community. Beyond the classroom, children are exposed to experiences and trips that widens their understanding of the world. In addition to these opportunities, our collective worship and PSHE curriculum ensure that pupils develop a deep level of respect, tolerance and understanding of those within the school community and beyond.
We have built our school on the idea that all are equal but different and we live by our school values of: Positive Learning, Empathy, Kindness and Respect.
I hope that you find the information on this website useful and we are more than pleased to welcome you to visit the school.
Mr Mark Kitchener (Headteacher)
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