
Glebelands Primary School

Stimulating Young Minds


What is involved in being a governor?

As Suggested by Leicester City Council. What do governors do?

The governors are responsible for everything that happens in school. However, the vast majority of that responsibility is delegated to the headteacher.

The governors act as a group that:

  • keep a check on what is happening in school;
  • challenge the school to maintain and improve standards;
  • support the school in the work going on.

No governor has any individual power, but collectively they:

  • appoint the headteacher;
  • set a budget each year;
  • determine the staffing structure;
  • approve the annual school improvement plan.


How do they work?

Each term, governors meet for two formal meetings. They are also involved in other activities. The table below shows what happens in a typical term.

Full meetings

Committee Meetings

Visits and other meetings

Meeting just before the end of  for all governors

Performance and Standards Committee meets twice to look at children’s attainment, progress and the curriculum

Two governors will make visits to look at areas of the curriculum – e.g. a science visit. They will see classes in action and talk to the children.

Meeting just before the end of term for all governors

Resource Management Committee meets twice a term to look at the budget, health and safety issues and the safeguarding of children

Some governors have volunteered for special roles – the maths governor, the pupil premium governor. They meet with the headteacher or subject leading teachers


Who becomes a governor?

From time to time, you receive a letter asking you if you are interested in becoming a governor. Whilst many of you may be interested, very few put themselves forward. This information sheet is designed to give you some information about what being a governor entails and the website also contains some pen portraits of our current governors.


Parent Governors


Parents of children at the school, elected by other parents. They do not act as representatives for other parents but make decisions based on their own judgments.

Local Authority Governors


Leicester City Council makes recommendations to us, whereupon our governors choose the most suitable person. This is based on any skills gap we have within the governing board. Our current LA governor, Brian Belcher, has been with us many years and again, he does not represent the LA but makes decisions based on his own judgement.





Foundation Governors


These are people adopted by the existing governors for various reasons, such as existing parent governors whose children have left the school, representatives from pre-school or local religious establishments.

Staff Governors


Elected by the staff but representing their own views.


The Headteacher is also a governor.


If becoming a governor is something you would be interested in doing and you would like to have a chat to find out more then please email the Clerk to the Governors, Kerry Miller

