School Uniform
At Glebelands Primary School we expect children to dress smartly and in the correct uniform. Therefore, school uniform is compulsory in school. An outline of the uniform requirement are outlined below and are not gender specific. Further information can be accessed by reading the school's uniform policy.
Glebelands School Uniform consists of:
- Grey or black trousers, skirt, dress or shorts
- Red gingham summer dress
- White polo t-shirt or button down shirt/blouse
- Burgundy jumper or fleece with or without logo (red is also an acceptable alternative if burgundy is unavailable).
footwear that is comfortable to play in and has suitable arch support for growing feet ('Ugg' style boots, wellingtons or shoes with a heel should not be worn in school)
On days when children have PE, children may come to school in their PE kit. Kit is also part of the school uniform and consists of the following:
- Plain black joggers, leggings or shorts
- Plain white t-shirt
- Plain hoodie or school jumper
- Trainers
- Hair should be tied back and earrings covered with micropore
Uniform can be purchased from Uniform Direct in Leicester
The PTA has some uniform that has been donated and is available at various points throughout the year for a small donation.