
Glebelands Primary School

Stimulating Young Minds


Homework help

Homework is an opportunity for children to extend and reinforce their learning beyond the classroom.


The nature of homework and the amount of time it will take will change as children get older.


  • Reading and spelling should be done on a regular daily basis.

  • Younger children should practise addition facts of numbers up to 10 and then 20 (e.g. Know that 5+7=12 without having to work it out.)

  • Older children should practise times tables.

  • Other homework will be set that covers a range of subjects that the children are doing in class.

  • Homework will usually be set by the class teacher on a Friday and will need to be returned by the following Wednesday. Children with SEN may be set homework by support staff who work with them. We expect parents to ensure that children complete their homework. If you have any comments relating to homework then please relay them to your child’s teacher.

  • For children to learn most effectively they need high challenge and low stress.

    Children learn best from tasks that are a bit difficult.

    Too much challenge however can become a threat and then learning will be hampered.


    Try these ideas if you are working with your child at home:

  • Find a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed
  • Praise their efforts.
  • Reward them for doing their best.
  • Tell them it’s alright to make mistakes. That’s how we all learn.
  • Try to keep your temper even if things become frustrating.
  • Encourage them to keep trying.
  • Give them time to have a go.
  • Keep the pressure off.


It often helps to break down the work into smaller chunks.

1. Write down the task in the middle of a piece of paper.

2. Talk about the different parts of the task.

3. Draw lines from the circle to each task.

4. These can then be broken down even further to make the work

     seem manageable.


There are times when helping your child can be a joy and other times when it can be very frustrating.


Try to stay positive, have high hopes and reward success.


Stay Positive

Children learn best when they  feel secure.

Much learning takes place when children take risks.

Try to make learning at home a secure activity.


Avoid comparing your child with other children.

‘Jamie’s mum says he finds this really easy.’


Try not to make threats.

‘If you don’t get them all right you’re not playing out tonight.’


Break up the learning into small chunks so each is achievable.

‘ Well done, you’ve worked out what sum you need to do.’


High Hopes

We all have things we dream about.

Your child will want to do things that may not be possible at present.

Talk to them about what they want and how they might go about it.

Be positive when talking to your child about their work

Try to turn can'ts into cans

Set small targets to help your child reach their dreams

Share your dreams with them



Make sure that your child knows they are succeeding.

Keep an ‘I can do’ chart when they are learning a new skill.

Make positive comments: ‘You did that really well.’

Use failure as a chance to find out what went wrong so that they’ll get it right next


Encourage your child to comment on their successes.

    ‘Nothing succeeds like success’



Everyone knows that top athletes have coaches who help them to achieve their best.  Parents too can be coaches, supporting, suggesting and demonstrating to help their children do as well as they can.


Reassuring  “I think that is a really good idea. What if we tried...”

Enthusiastic  “You’ve drawn that really carefully. Well done.”

Steady      “That’s fine. I’ll wait whilst you find the right page.”

Practical            “Let’s see what happens if we move the counter to this pile.”

Engaging          “Let me have a go first and then you try.”

Clear   “Press down on your ruler with your other hand whilst you draw the line.”

Truthful “You’re not really sure about your 6 times table are you. Let’s practise.”
