
Glebelands Primary School

Stimulating Young Minds


Latest News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • End of Year update

    Thu 09 Jul 2020 LLEE


    Dear Parents/Carers,

    I thought I should pen a final message to you all as we close for the summer holidays to wish you all a relaxing break and also to provide you with a few details about what the start of the autumn term might look like.

    I would like to start by offering my appreciation to all those parents who have written to me, thanking the staff for all of their efforts during the extended period of partial closure. I have passed all of your messages on to my staff and they would like me to express their gratitude for your positive comments. 


    Head teachers and school leaders across the country have been told to expect regular updates and guidance from the DfE throughout the summer holidays.  With this in mind, I would again like to stress the importance of checking your inbox for any updates from us throughout this period.   That being said, given the latest guidance which we received last week from the Secretary of State for Education, I am able to provide you with some details about what the new term will look like in September.  These include;

    • Children in KS1 and KS2 return to school on Tuesday 1st September
    • Children will be expected to attend school.
    • Children will be grouped into Phase bubbles to promote social distancing (Reception, KS1, Lower KS2 and Upper KS2)
    • Only children in Reception, KS1 and those entitled to FSM will be given the option of having a hot dinner.    All other children are to bring a packed lunch and will eat in classrooms.
    • Uniforms to be worn throughout the week as normal
    • On days when children have PE, they are to come to school in black jogging bottoms, white t-shirt and school jumper/cardigan etc. 
    • Temporary suspension of the wearing of indoor shoes.  Plimsolls will however will be required for indoor PE
    • No whole-school assemblies

    I will write to you before the start of the autumn to confirm these and any additional measures which have been implemented. 


    Parents will also shortly receive a flier from ‘Playfair and Fairshare’, reminding them of access to free meals provision for children in Leicester throughout the summer period. 


    Finally, I look forward to seeing you all again in the new term and wish you all happy and healthy summer break.

    Yours sincerely,

  • UPDATE - New Lockdown Restrictions

    Wed 01 Jul 2020 LLEE


    Dear Parents/Carers,

    Further to last night’s announcement by the Heath Secretary to place lockdown restrictions on Leicester and its surrounding areas, it has been necessary to put the following measures in place.


    From Thursday 2nd July the school will be open only to children of Key Workers and those who have an EHCP.  We will continue to provide a school place for those pupils who have been in attendance throughout the period of partial closure.


    Unfortunately the new restrictions will mean that pupils in Year 1 and Year 6 who are currently attending school on a rota basis will no longer be able to do so.   Given that the latest measures are set to be in place for a minimum of two weeks, it means that we will not see these pupils again before the end of term.


    It is therefore with much sadness that I will be saying a final farewell in person to those Year 6 pupils who are in school today.   Regrettably we will no longer be able to welcome the Y6 children back to school for their leavers’ event which was due to take place on the 8th July.  The Year 6 staff team will be in touch with parents to inform them of revised plans for next week. 


    The new restrictions will also mean that the arrangements put in place for other year groups to collect their personal items and see their teacher next week can no longer go ahead.  We will ensure that any items remain safely stored away until such a time as we can safely allow families back onto the school premises to collect them. 


    For parents who are Key Workers and are sending their children to school, the usual arrangements will remain in place.  Children should continue to arrive at school for an 8:45am start and be collected from the large playground at 3:05pm.


    I would also request that if your child has been in school, please let us know as soon as possible if they have been in contact with anyone who has tested positive for Covid-19. This will allow us to monitor our own situation more closely and put additional measures in place where necessary.


    Finally, your child’s end of year reports were posted yesterday.  Accompanying this will be details of your child’s teacher for the new academic year.


    I will ensure that we remain in regular contact with parents over the coming days and weeks and will keep you informed of any updates as we receive them.


    Yours sincerely


    L. Lee
