Personal Development
Our Aim
At Glebelands, we know that the diversity of the school community means that children will begin their time with us with differing experiences of the world around them. Our aim is to enhance these further by providing as many opportunities as possible develop the holistic child. This includes a deepening understanding of: religious beliefs and faiths, celebrations in different cultures, visits to museums, places of worship and activity centres.
We also encourage an appreciation of the arts with an annual visit to the pantomime at Loughborough Town Hall, an annual visit from Toscana strings quintet and ballet dancer.
Trips and Visits
Whole School | EYFS | Key Stage 1 | Lower Key Stage 2 | Upper Key Stage 2 | |
Visitors | Toscana Stings Rev Rob Wendy Scales SparkArts Authors on Tour | Story Teller CLS Dinosaur Day | Lion Learners Rutland Bee Society | Rivers and Canals Trust CLS Viking Day Bollywood dancing Wonder Dome | Ashmolean CLS Stone Age Day Nick Foster (explorer) Wonder Dome Henry Bates Movie |
Trips out of school | Pantomime | Twycross Zoo Great Central Railway | Beaumanor Hall (Victorians) Stonehurst Farm | Botanical Gardens Bosworth Battlefield New Walk Museum Warwick Castle | Richard III Centre Bradgate Park Compton Verney Black Country Museum Beaumanor Hall (WW2) Warning Zone (Y6)
Residential | Beaumanor Hall (Outdoor and Adventurous Activities) Year 3 | Castleton (Outdoor and Adventurous Activities) Year 5/6 |