Week 1 Update
Dear Parents/Carers,
As we approach the end of the first week, I would like to thank you for your patience and support as we all settled into new routines. Having been out and about in the mornings and afternoons, I am very pleased with how well things have gone, and how calm the return to school has been.
Having monitored the situation over the last few days, I can confirm that for another week, we will be continuing with the staggered start and end of the school day, as well as with the current one-way system. One slight change I would like to make is that all our new Nursery and Reception children enter through the Glebelands Road gate and then make their way directly onto the Foundation playground where they will be met by staff.
I would also ask that in the mornings, and at collection times, parents make their way off the premises as soon as they have dropped off or collected their child. This is to minimise the number of people on the school site during busy periods and assist with social distancing.
Over the week it has been a pleasure to see our children and staff settling quickly back into their working patterns. During the last three days I have already seen some amazing artwork, intricate Roman numeral clocks, wonderful descriptive writing and groups of children learning basic rugby skills. I was also amazed by the gymnastic skills which our younger children were demonstrating at the after-school sports club on Thursday afternoon.
Throughout the week, teaching staff have also been getting to grips with new software in the event of a further lockdown or school closure. With this in mind, I would like to remind parents to inform us if your child is displaying possible symptoms of Covid-19 which are a high temperature, new continuous cough or loss/change of taste or smell. Given that we are approaching ‘runny nose’ season, there is no need to contact us if your child has this symptom as this is not an indicator of Coronavirus.
One final request I would like to make is that children dismount their bikes as they come through the school gate. Mr. Kitchener and I have been required to remind children on a number of occasions not to ride their bikes while on school grounds.
Finally, (and thinking slightly further ahead) it is likely that our parents’ evenings, scheduled for the latter part of this half term, will be either online or through telephone conversation. Your child’s teacher will be in touch later this term to provide you with additional information about how this will work.
Thank you for the trust you have shown in sending your child back to school and we will endeavour to communicate with you as often as possible so that you are fully informed about what is happening at Glebelands.
Have a pleasant weekend.
Yours sincerely
L. Lee
Head Teacher