
Glebelands Primary School

Stimulating Young Minds


Attendance & Punctuality

It is vitally important for children to attend school as much as possible. Nationally, children who miss a lot of school do less well academically.

Children who frequently arrive late miss out on learning and disrupt lessons.

Most children at Glebelands attend well but a small minority do not or are often late. 





Attendance figures

The Education (Pupils Attendance Records) Regulations 1991 require all schools to distinguish in registers between authorised and unauthorised absences of pupils and to publish the attendance rates for the school. Lateness is also recorded in the register.

The register is taken at 9.00 and children need to be in school before the doors close at 8.55am.

Please note: the doors will not be opened once they have locked from the outside. Children arriving after the doors have locked need to be brought to the office and signed in.

Children being signed in are recorded as late. Parents whose children are regularly late will be sent a letter at the end of a half term. Where lateness continues, the Education Welfare Officer will be informed and will take action.

If you have contacted the school about an absence or you inform them after your child has returned, this is recorded as authorised.

An absence will be recorded as unauthorised if:

  • no information is received about the reason for absence

  • a term time holiday is taken without the headteacher's permission

  • the reason given for absence is considered insufficient (applies to families where the Education Welfare Officer has involvement)

High levels of unauthorised absence are referred to the Education Welfare Officer.

The number of half days your child has attended will be sent to you at the end of each month.


If your child is ill

If your child is absent you must contact the school office before 9:00am on the first day of absence with a full explanation for the absence.  If your child is absent on each further and subsequent days, you must contact the school office before 9:00am.

The school office will follow up any absences where parents have not notified school.


Absence in term time


Absence from school during term time is not permitted other than for exceptional circumstances (‘exceptional’ being decided at the Headteacher’s discretion).


  • Where possible, medical appointments should be made outside of school hours.


  • We will not authorise any holiday during term time. Unless this is deemed as exceptional and after a discussion with the headteacher.


  • If holidays are taken during term time, then a fine may be issued by Leicester City Council.


  • The rate for a fixed penalty notice as of 19th August 2024 are as follows:


  • First Offence = £160 per child per parent (reduced to £80 if paid within 21 days)


E.G. If 2 parents take 2 children on holiday, each parent will receive a fine of £320 (reduced to £160 if paid within 21 days). Total cost to the family £640 (reduced to £320 if paid within 21 days).


  • Second Offence within 3 years of first penalty notice being issued  = £160 per child per parent (no reduction available)


  • Third Offence within 3 years =  The case may be forwarded to Magistrates Court with a fine of up to £2,500 and a criminal conviction. This will appear on DBS applications in the future.


  • Attendance at weddings of immediate family (Parents or sibling) will be granted for one day only. Where the wedding is abroad a day will be authorised either side of the wedding for travel.



