Wider opening revision
Dear Parents/Carers,
I wrote to you on Wednesday explaining our plan for a wider opening of our school. This included a return date of Monday 1st June for children in Year 6 followed by a start date of Monday 8th June for children in Reception, Year 1. Yesterday, Leicester City Mayor, Sir Peter Soulsbury told schools he could not mandate their opening and stated that any wider opening must take into account the safety of the children, staff and parents. The leadership team and I had already put together an extensive risk assessment and reopening plan in line with these recommendations.
As always, my primary aim is to reduce transmission to all school users. However, over the past 48 hours, there have been a number of significant developments within school which has required us to review and amend our plan.
After careful consideration it is with regret that I must now inform parents of children in Reception and Year 1 that we will be unable to open the school to these children. This will come as a disappointment to many, however due to a significant increase in demand for school places from children of Key Workers, we are unable to accommodate both groups of children while maintaining safe distancing practices. These children now need to work in smaller groups and require the use of additional classrooms around the school.
As a teacher I want to open the school more widely but I can only do this when I am satisfied that this can be achieved safely.
Children in Year 6 will be welcomed into school, with the first group arriving on Monday 1st June
I have shared my plan with the Chair and Vice Chair of the Governing Board, who have both agreed this strategy.
Should the situation arise that we are able to open the school to children in Year 1 and Reception, we will endeavour to inform parents as soon as is practicable.
Glebelands is committed to the education and safeguarding of all its pupils, staff and parents and as such, teachers will continue to provide learning materials for children to access at home.
Yours sincerely
L. Lee