School Update - Coronavirus
Dear Parents and Carers,
We understand that currently there is much anxiety around the Coronavirus outbreak and the school leadership team feel it would be useful to provide you with regular updates of where the school stands at the current time.
In line with guidance from NHS and Public Health England, if your child develops a temperature or persistent dry cough please keep them away from school for a period of 5 school days. Please let the school office know if this is the case on the first day of absence.
In order to minimise the spread of germs in the school, it is vitally important that your child brings their own water bottle with water to school. Communal cups will no longer be available for the children to use.
In the event of the school closure, we will take steps to allow children to continue their education at home. With this in mind teachers will be updating their class web pages with information and activities for children to complete. Please visit , then click the ‘children’ tab and then ‘class pages’. We will provide children with exercise books or paper to use at home.
We regret that the following events have had to be cancelled or postponed until further notice. This is not a decision that we have taken lightly.
- Sponsored walk and cake sale (2.4.2020) - POSTPONED
- Easter Disco (26.3.2020) – POSTPONED
- Achievement Assemblies (every Thursday) – cancelled until further notice
- Class 3 Easter festival assembly (2.4.2020) – closed to parents
- Tag-Rugby Tournament (20.3.2020) - cancelled
All other trips will continue as planned unless we advise otherwise.
The Mother’s Day Pop-up stall WILL take place on Thursday 19th March.
All after-school clubs will continue until further notice but we do ask that parents do not come into school and wait outside for collection. Instead children will be escorted to the front of the school and released from there.
We also ask that parents refrain from coming into school in the morning and afternoons. If you need to speak to your child’s teacher please get in touch via Class Dojo or a telephone call. If you are not yet connected to Dojo, please let us know so that we can get an account to you.
In the event of a school closure, parents should check the school website for the latest updates in the ‘noticeboard’ tab located at the bottom of the homepage.
As part of our ongoing commitment to Safeguarding, if you have any concerns during a school closure please contact the school on the following number 07848 975 185. This is the school’s mobile which will be picked up by one of the Designated Safeguarding Leads or alternatively email Mr Lee at
Thank You for your cooperation and patience in these uncertain times. We look forward to resuming normal service as soon as possible.