Prime Minister's latest measures to combat Covid-19
I would like to thank you for your patience and support while we transition into new ways of working. Your collective effort has helped to make the process as smooth as it can be.
In light of the of the Prime Minister’s latest address to the nation, from tomorrow (Tuesday 23rd) we would request that if one responsible adult is able to remain at home throughout the day, then you DO NOT send your child to school. This includes children of Key Workers and children with an EHCP. I realise that this may cause some inconvenience, however given the growing seriousness of the current situation, an increase in response is necessary.
Unfortunately, given the increased level of restriction, learning packs will no longer be available for collection from outside of the school. This is not a decision which has been taken lightly, but one which we hope will assist in keeping our community safe. We will however ensure that all resources continue to be placed on your child’s class page.
I would like to take this opportunity to offer my thanks and appreciation to all of our parents who are working in front line services and helping to keep the country going.
Yours sincerely