
Glebelands Primary School

Stimulating Young Minds


Key workers and vulnerable children


As a result of the Government Briefing on Wednesday 18th March, our school will be open from Monday 23 March to provide care for children of Key Workers and those who have an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP). 


We are still awaiting guidance on what the definition or classification of a Key Worker will be.  As soon as we know more, instructions will be sent to parents on how to contact school to arrange for care.


Children who are in receipt of Free School Meals will be provided with a meal or a meal voucher.  Plans for the organisation of this are currently being discussed with our school meal provider.


FSM scammers

We are receiving reports that scammers are asking families who are in receipt of free school meals for their bank details in order to receive money.  You will not be contacted by any official agency or provider of FSM asking for your bank details so please be vigilant.


Further updates will follow as we know more.



