Arrangements for children of Key Workers and EHCP
Dear Parents/Carers,
Thank you for the information you have provided us about Key Worker Status. We have reviewed all of the applications in line with government guidance. If you qualify as a key worker, as per government instructions, you should have been contacted today to confirm arrangements for the coming weeks.
If you have not yet received a phone call and feel that you are a key worker, and entitled to a school place as outlined in government guidance, please email the school office at
For those children who will be attending school, the following will apply;
- The school day will commence at 8:45am and finish at 3:05pm.
- Please go to your child’s usual Key Stage door entrance in the mornings and collect from the same door at the end of the day.
- Parents will not be allowed inside the school building. Should you wish to speak with a member of staff, please contact the school office by phone or email.
- It will not be necessary to wear school uniform.
- We plan to keep each Key Stage separate from one another as much as possible.
- Please ensure your child brings a packed lunch and their own drinks bottle. If your child is in receipt of INCOME BASED free school meals, a packed lunch will be provided.
- A timetable will be followed which will allow for a range of childcare activities. Staff are currently preparing learning packs for all children whether at school or at home. Arrangements for collection of these packs will be advised on Monday.
I would appreciate your patience, flexibility and understanding whilst we implement this new arrangement. These are challenging times for all and we are all doing our best!
If you have any questions, please feel free to get in touch.
Yours Sincerely
L. Lee