
Glebelands Primary School

Stimulating Young Minds


Pupils eligible to attend

As you are aware, Glebelands will be open next week for children who have an Education Health Care Plan or for those whose parents are deemed to be Key Workers .  For the latter an email was sent earlier  to those parents with parental responsibility, seeking details of their employment status and profession. 


Unfortunately schools have not yet received confirmation for the classification of Key Workers.  We are anticipating that this information will be released before the end of the day.  If you have not yet returned your employment information, please do so as soon as possible.  This will allow us to plan and prepare for children who will be in school next week.
For clarification, schools are being asked to care for children only if both parents are key workers, unless the residential parent is the key worker and the other parent does not live locally.


Please remember that schools have been closed in order to help prevent the spread of Coronavirus and allow key workers to keep us safe and keep the country running. 


A number of parents who have children on the SEND register have requested that their child attends school next week but do not come under either category.  Unfortunately we are unable to provide a place for these children. 
Parents of children with EHCP plans will be contacted on Friday 20th to confirm if you are intending to send your child to school.   
We have not yet made a decision on the start and end times of the school day as we are still waiting for information from other parties.  We are also waiting for information from Leicester Traded Services about lunchtime provision.
I hope to be able to provide you with further information as soon as possible.
Thank you for your support and understanding.
Yours sincerely


Mr L Lee
